Saturday, April 19, 2008

Trout in the Classroom

The last 2 years, I have been participating in a program called "Trout in the Classroom." In January, my class received 100 rainbow trout eggs that we watched hatch and grow in a tank in our room. Michael Kellett (seen catching the trout for release) has been our classroom biologist and spent time teaching the students about different types of trout, culverts, and helping fish habitats. In April, we released our fish into the Boise River. This year we had an 84% survival rate (down from 93% last year...still a great % though!). These pics are of the tank and some of the kids that met us on the COLD (there were snow flakes!) Saturday morning of the release into the river.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Powder Puff Derby

Emily entered the Girl Scout Powder Puff Derby again this year. (It is run by the Boy Scouts.)She decided on a purple car this time and with help from Kevin and Tada, her car ran over 61 miles per hour! She won 3 out of 5 races and had a good time watching everyone.